July 4 – Weimar

St. Peter and Paul Church of Weimar, also called Herder Church of Weimar

Weimar Altarpiece by Cranach the Elder and his son Lucas Cranach (expresses Luther’s theology of the purifying blood of Christ Jesus, see
I John 1:7

7  But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

Weimar Altarpiece (center panel reveals John the Baptist pointing to Jesus and the lamb, Cranach the Elder looking forward, and Luther with an open Bible explaining the significance of the sacrifice)

Statue of Luther, Eisleben (Luther holds a Bible close to his heart with his left hand and tightly grasps the papal bull threatening his excommunication, issued by the Roman Catholic Church, with his right hand; unwillingness to recant his teachings which were reflected in his 95 Theses precipitated the threat from Rome; an example of one thesis states, “The pope neither desires nor is able to remit any penalties except those imposed by his own authority or that of the canons”

The Luther Swan, Eisleben (Czech reformer Jan Hus commented at his execution in 1415, “Today you are cooking a goose, but a swan will come after me that you will never be able to roast”; Luther applied this statement to himself, and he is often represented by a swan)

Time for Pastries

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